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Unsere Notizen
Wir haben unsere Sneaker Boots seit ihrer Einführung im Jahr 2016 nicht großartig verändert.
Wie die meisten Modelle in unserer permanenten Kollektion haben wir sie nur optimiert und angepasst, um sie zu den besten veganen Sneaker Boots zu machen, die wir kennen.
Eine permanente Kollektion ermöglicht es uns, unsere Schuhe, Accessoires und Kleidung zu verfeinern. Wir arbeiten daran, sie bequemer zu machen, aktualisieren sie mit den neuesten veganen, nachhaltigen Materialien, sobald diese verfügbar sind, und arbeiten daran, sie so lange wie möglich haltbar zu machen.
Das jüngste Update, das wir an diesen Sneaker Boots vorgenommen haben, betrifft das Innenfutter.
Sie sind jetzt mit unserem charakteristischen zweifarbigen grauen Tencel™ und Bio-Baumwollgewebe gefüttert.
Es fühlt sich sehr weich an und ermöglicht das Tragen von Socken oder ohne Socken. Das Futter lässt die Luft zirkulieren und transportiert Feuchtigkeit ab, so dass Ihre Füße trocken und hygienisch bleiben.
Eine weitere Neuerung ist, dass die hellbraunen Gummisohlen an der Unterseite jetzt aus recyceltem Material bestehen. Das sieht man an den Materialflecken, die in ihnen enthalten sind.
Abgesehen davon hat sich nichts geändert.
Gleiche Seitenwandnähte an den Laufsohlen. Dieselben Nähte im gesamten Obermaterial. Dieselben tiefen, weichen Einlegesohlen mit recyceltem Inhalt. Dieselbe bequeme Passform mit stützend gepolsterten Knöcheln. Die gleiche Liebe zum Detail, die Sie von WVS erwarten können, von den Metallspitzen an den Schnürsenkeln über die superstarken Schnürsenkel aus recyceltem Polyester bis hin zur WVS-Prägung auf der Lounge und außen.
* Geschnitten aus italienischem veganem Leder, das zu 69% aus biobasiertem Material besteht.
* Flexible, griffige und strapazierfähige, seitlich genähte Gummilaufsohle mit recycelten Bestandteilen. Dies ist an den darin enthaltenen Materialflecken zu erkennen.
* Tiefe und weiche Einlegesohlen aus recyceltem Material.
* Gefüttert mit unserem charakteristischen zweifarbigen grauen Tencel™- und Bio-Baumwoll-Gewebe. Es fühlt sich wirklich weich an und erlaubt Socken oder keine Socken. Das Futter lässt die Luft zirkulieren und transportiert Feuchtigkeit ab, damit Ihre Füße trocken und hygienisch bleiben.
* Bequeme und stützende gepolsterte Knöchel.
* Starke Schnürsenkel aus recyceltem Polyester mit recycelten Spitzen.
Ethik & Nachhaltigkeit
Dieses Produkt ist zertifiziert kohlenstoffneutral
Es wird aus den Niederlanden über unsere klimaneutrale Lieferkette in Papier- und Kartonverpackungen zu Ihnen geliefert
Sie können es 365 Tage lang mit unserem papierlosen, klimaneutralen Rückgabeservice kostenlos zurückgeben
Nutzen Sie unseren Rücknahmeservice, wenn dieses Produkt das Ende seiner Lebensdauer erreicht hat
Immer und für immer vegan
Hergestellt in Portugal
Lesen Sie mehr über unsere Ethik und Nachhaltigkeit; Nachhaltigkeit

In the beginning they feel somewhat stiff but after a few days they feel really well fitting and comfortable. The soft inside is great. They keep my feet warm, and I’m a cold feet person. So I’m very happy! They’re water resistant and easy to keep clean.
These boots have been comfortable from the start, and I love the padded ankles and comfy jersey lining. I’ve worn them on rainy walks to and from work with no water getting in, and think they look very stylish. My only complaint is that the size 39 seems too long and I feel like there’s way too much space at the toes. This is a problem I’ve also had with one other pair of Will’s boots that I bought this winter, though I have an older pair of Will’s aviator boots and a couple of pairs of sneakers in size 39 and they fit perfectly. If I were buying these boots again, I’d definitely try the 38, though as they seem like they’re going to last and last I’ll just have to hope that they’re released in a different colour to give me the excuse! I’d definitely buy them in the tan colour that I already have a pair of Will’s smart sneakers in.
Liked the design of them and at first was a bit skeptical of how they would fit, but I ordered true to size and honestly I cannot be more in love with these shoes. I was looking for something of this specific style and I found exactly what I was looking for. Extremely comfortable and well built!
I had an email exchange with Aarti and would like to thank him for the great customer service.
I had thought back and forth about whether I should order the same shoes a size smaller. I'm usually an 8-8.5 in shoes. Adidas / Nike / Barefootshoes.
When I had the sneakers in size 8 here, my little toes hurt and my upper left foot hurt as soon as the material started to get bend. I had a fair amount of space at the front and even with thicker socks the shoes weren't comfortable. Well I blamed the shoes. Hey, at least we know that the industry outside mass-produces clothing and shoes and the main thing is that they get everything sold. I don't feel like ordering cheap goods. Spending my money on clothes I don't like. Or go to stores that sell cheap goods to save money.
But I needed a pair of sneakers and went to the Adidas website. I ordered a few and sent them back too. I felt the seam on my big toe and it was very uncomfortable. Then the sneakers came from Will's vegan store and I was unhappy with them too.
Then I ordered the Wills´sneakers a size smaller, but of course it took a while until they got here and a few others from Adidas have since arrived.
As soon as I walked with them, I felt friction at the back of the heels and the soles of my feet hurt. My God, this can't all be true. Normally I haven't had any problems with Adidas. But I've become a fan of barefoot shoes because they're foot-shaped, not shoe-shaped. I've been walking around in them all the time for the last 8 months. Even in the gym I only wear them because they are so light and extremely comfortable. I've gotten so used to the fact that my toes are no longer squashed and I have a lot of space in the shoes. Above all, I wanted a straight sole.
But I needed some for winter and saw the London Style from Will's Vegan Store and thought they were pretty stylish. Aarti said I should give the sneakers a chance because I won't regret it. So should I go to a size 7?
I couldn't imagine that they would fit.
They arrived a few days ago, I tried them on and and they fit like a glove.
I walked around outside for a bit today and finally I'm in love with them :-D. Yes, they feel great and I think the shoes are very well made.
So, please forgive my review below.
What did I learn from it? My ego was too fast !
I've worn them a few times now, and my feet don't feel comfortable in the shoes yet. When I roll my left foot, the surface where my toes start hurts a lot. The material of the shoes is not really soft. I can't walk barefoot in them because I can feel the seam on my big toe on my right foot. I think it's a material mistake. My little toes on both feet also hurt a bit whe walking. I also put on socks, and things are a little better.
But I think the shoes are very stylish and look great.
But our shoe world is so full of shoes that are not always tailored to all of our feet. I have worn many and have been very spoiled since I found out about
I don't wear anything else in the gym and I wear them most of the time outside. But I wanted to try others again and ordered the sneakers. I don't know what I'm doing yet. Give them a chance or send them back.
In the beginning they feel somewhat stiff but after a few days they feel really well fitting and comfortable. The soft inside is great. They keep my feet warm, and I’m a cold feet person. So I’m very happy! They’re water resistant and easy to keep clean.
These boots have been comfortable from the start, and I love the padded ankles and comfy jersey lining. I’ve worn them on rainy walks to and from work with no water getting in, and think they look very stylish. My only complaint is that the size 39 seems too long and I feel like there’s way too much space at the toes. This is a problem I’ve also had with one other pair of Will’s boots that I bought this winter, though I have an older pair of Will’s aviator boots and a couple of pairs of sneakers in size 39 and they fit perfectly. If I were buying these boots again, I’d definitely try the 38, though as they seem like they’re going to last and last I’ll just have to hope that they’re released in a different colour to give me the excuse! I’d definitely buy them in the tan colour that I already have a pair of Will’s smart sneakers in.
Liked the design of them and at first was a bit skeptical of how they would fit, but I ordered true to size and honestly I cannot be more in love with these shoes. I was looking for something of this specific style and I found exactly what I was looking for. Extremely comfortable and well built!
I had an email exchange with Aarti and would like to thank him for the great customer service.
I had thought back and forth about whether I should order the same shoes a size smaller. I'm usually an 8-8.5 in shoes. Adidas / Nike / Barefootshoes.
When I had the sneakers in size 8 here, my little toes hurt and my upper left foot hurt as soon as the material started to get bend. I had a fair amount of space at the front and even with thicker socks the shoes weren't comfortable. Well I blamed the shoes. Hey, at least we know that the industry outside mass-produces clothing and shoes and the main thing is that they get everything sold. I don't feel like ordering cheap goods. Spending my money on clothes I don't like. Or go to stores that sell cheap goods to save money.
But I needed a pair of sneakers and went to the Adidas website. I ordered a few and sent them back too. I felt the seam on my big toe and it was very uncomfortable. Then the sneakers came from Will's vegan store and I was unhappy with them too.
Then I ordered the Wills´sneakers a size smaller, but of course it took a while until they got here and a few others from Adidas have since arrived.
As soon as I walked with them, I felt friction at the back of the heels and the soles of my feet hurt. My God, this can't all be true. Normally I haven't had any problems with Adidas. But I've become a fan of barefoot shoes because they're foot-shaped, not shoe-shaped. I've been walking around in them all the time for the last 8 months. Even in the gym I only wear them because they are so light and extremely comfortable. I've gotten so used to the fact that my toes are no longer squashed and I have a lot of space in the shoes. Above all, I wanted a straight sole.
But I needed some for winter and saw the London Style from Will's Vegan Store and thought they were pretty stylish. Aarti said I should give the sneakers a chance because I won't regret it. So should I go to a size 7?
I couldn't imagine that they would fit.
They arrived a few days ago, I tried them on and and they fit like a glove.
I walked around outside for a bit today and finally I'm in love with them :-D. Yes, they feel great and I think the shoes are very well made.
So, please forgive my review below.
What did I learn from it? My ego was too fast !
I've worn them a few times now, and my feet don't feel comfortable in the shoes yet. When I roll my left foot, the surface where my toes start hurts a lot. The material of the shoes is not really soft. I can't walk barefoot in them because I can feel the seam on my big toe on my right foot. I think it's a material mistake. My little toes on both feet also hurt a bit whe walking. I also put on socks, and things are a little better.
But I think the shoes are very stylish and look great.
But our shoe world is so full of shoes that are not always tailored to all of our feet. I have worn many and have been very spoiled since I found out about
I don't wear anything else in the gym and I wear them most of the time outside. But I wanted to try others again and ordered the sneakers. I don't know what I'm doing yet. Give them a chance or send them back.